
Hi! This is a place where I'll be posting sketches, comics, and doodles about my experience with therapy! While these are almost all based on real conversations and feelings from my therapy, they are ultimately fictional scenarios or metaphors. In fact, my own therapy is telehealth based, while these often have me interacitng with my therapist in person. Hilda Terry

Some of these may run away from me into really silly ideas or fantasies that may go way further than my own initial feelings into an exploration of the 'character' of 'me' or 'my therapist' because while I tend to create personal comics, I also like to explore other ideas. I think it's important for me to say this since therapy has very storng ethical boundaires associated with it and it's important to me that you understand that these comics, if they should depict a breaking of those boundaries, are doing so as part of a creative exploration or processing of my feelings or ideas, and not because there is real unethical behavior happening in real life. I hope that makes sense! Thanks for stopping by :) I hope you enjoy.

...if you can't tell, this is also a very in progress part of my site haha